Exploring the seven chakras

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Chakras are energy centers that are associated with seven levels basic awareness

Chakras are energy centers that are associated with seven basic levels of consciousness, this means that the experience of the opening of a chakra we also understand the state of consciousness associated with that level, this is referred to Dr. Anodea Judith in “Chakras wheels of life”, the book's most significant and influential that has been ever written about the chakras.
In very basic terms will be interpreted in the following way:

  • First Chakra: Muladhara, is associated with the survival, rooting, represented by the color red, its element is the earth, bija mantra LAM and is located at the base of the column.
  • Second Chakra: Svadhistana, emotions, and sexuality, their color is orange, his element is the water, bija mantra VAM and is located in the lower part of the abdomen.
  • Third Chakra: Manipura, our personal power, self-esteem, will, vibrates with the color yellow, its element is fire, bija mantra RAM and is located in the solar plexus.
  • Fourth Chakra: Anahata, the love, the balance sheet, its color is green, air element, bija mantra YAM and is located in the centre of the chest (heart).
  • Fifth Chakra: Visuddha, communication, blue, element, ether, bija mantra HAM and is located in the throat.
  • Sixth Chakra: Ajna chakra, intuition, clairvoyance, imagination, its color is indigo, element, light, bija mantra OM and is located in the space between the eyebrows.
  • Seventh Chakra: Sahasrara, the knowledge, the transcendental consciousness, purple, element thought, and is located in the crown of the head.

Chakras can be open or closed, in excess or deficient, or in any of the intermediate stages. To work better, should be harmonised. There are exercises and meditations to facilitate the initiation or strengthening of each center, understanding the system as a whole, for example: focusing the attention on that area of the body, understanding the functioning of this chakra and putting it into practice, analyzing the interactions that occur in everyday life on the corresponding level.
Si bien es cierto que los chakras encierran bastantes complejidades también ofrecen una gran información sobre la dinámica energética del ser humano y aprender de ellos nos brinda un conocimiento más profundo de nosotros mismos y se convierten en una poderosa herramienta para el desarrollo personal y espiritual.